viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Hi guys!

Today I want to talk you about my dream future job. I'm study musical composition and I want to live like a composer with a study. I want to compose music for a film, for dance, etc. For these reason I need to study many musical culture to compose a contextualized musical. I want to travel with a recorder around the world, to hear and understand the mecanism of composition of many countries.

 I don't like the work in office. I need a big study, with a piano, a computer, and too many electronic instrument. I don't like schedules. I want to be free in my study

Also, I want to be a professor of University. I want to teach counterpoint, orchestation, analysis, and electronic music. I think that I can be a good professor. On the other hand if I teach I can learn too much about the ideas of the students.

This dream is impossible if i dont have a major. For these reason I wont to continue my study in other country. I choose other country for know more people and learn with them

 I hear all type of music. So I need a big study with a larg desktop, a Piano and a lot of electronic instrument because I want to compose all type of music!

I want to know what is your dream future job.



viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Hi guys!

Today I want to talk about the Spectral Music, or Spectralism.
This is a technique developed in France in 1970. This artistic movement try to generate new music by complex process like the analysis of the Timbral Charasteristic of the sound: His specter,colour, density, amplitude. the sofistication. this music, doesnt has defined melodies or rithms, The Timbre will have the attention of the auditor.

One of my favorite works of this style is "Partiels" of Gerard Grisey. This work analyze the timbral characteristic of the Trombon's sound. We can hear the trombon's harmonics by the others instruments. for this reason if you will find dificult try to recognize the rest of instruments because the mixture of Sounds is very complex.

Some important representatives of this movement are Gerard Grisey, Tristan Murail.
Whit the spetral analysis of sounds of the computer systems. They propose a new way of composition. I recomend you to hear les spaces acoustiques, Talea, Vortex Temporum by Gerard Grisey, and gondwana, territoires de l'oublie by Tristan Murail.
Gerard Grisey

I thing that this artistic movement is very friendly with the auditors. because, perharps, we hear naturals harmonies that we can hear in the wild. I want to compose like this guys!

I hope your comments friends!

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Hi every want!
this day I want to show the travell of my dreams!

I want to know India!!

One of my dreams is travell to India! because I want to know his culture, amazing landscape, food, customs and people are completely different of our culture.I thing I go to thing different  understanding the oriental vision.
I want to know their temples, sing with their monks, and learn to play his music musical. their rithms are very richs. the rithms are more important that the melodies. this thing is fascinating.

Also I must to know de Taj Mahal! his histories, and curiosities.
I must to save money because this travell is very expensive.

But I don't have live in this country, because I love my culture, the cueca, choripanes, charquicán, and papas rellenas! So i thing that a travell of 2 years will be great!

Also, i want to travell alone, because in this way, i can take advantage having more time, and choosing alone my destiny.

Give me luck friends!!!!

Good bye!

sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

Post 5

Hi everyone!, i want to tell you about a new experience that i live this week.
Sometimes i spend my free time reading and viewing old revolutionary photos. The past sunday i have seen a picture of the most famous photograph, who tried to change the view about our own sociality, and our own body. His name is Spencer Tunick, and he is from the United States. He used to photograph a mass of naked people. In 2002 he cames to Chile, and he called to the people in the center of Santiago. It was really something crazy for all the chilean people.
After i have seen this picture i discovered that Spencer Tunick is my favorite photograph.

Please, if you have some oportnity to see his job, do not miss it !!!, you  really gonna love him!

Honestly I dont kow about many photograph, so if you can help me, to know some one, I apreciate that.

See you next time!, i hope you enjoy this post!
Post 2

Hello everyone!

This day I want to show you my expectations for this new semester. This is my last year. I am so nervous!!! I have many projects and few time. I need study orquestation, electronic music, harmony, counterpoint and composition. On the other hand I need study english, investigation and history. also, I want to play piano with all my heart.
I don't have time too see my friends. but is cool spend all day listening, creating, and playing music. I love music. and i want to live for the music.

I thing that my stress will never die.

be happy my partners. we must to survive!

Good everyone. I go to study... again .

José Manuel Piña

Post 3

Hello my dear partner!, today i want to tell you what is my favorite technology piece in all the universe!!!!
I think that my favorite technology piece is my notebook, beacause this is my principal workstation. In this artifact I´ve been saving all my creations and i can develop my new ideas. I study musical composition, so this subject help me to write my sheet music, and with his advanced operation in programs about electronic music, I can use this notebook  for my own exploration.
 I believe that all the computer has a very important function for the human beings, because this simple piece of matter make possible the comunication.

Well, this is just a little thought that i have about the notebook.
You can keep follow me on the next post!

I would like to know what is your favorite technology piece, so please comment this post, and be one more!
What are you waiting for?  

Post 1

Something about me:

hi guys!

I want to present myself: My name is José Manuel Piña Valenzuela I'm 23 years old and I was born in Santiago de Chile. I study interpretation and musical composition in Universidad de Chile. I want to listen very different styles of music. I like to play the piano, see movies, talk with my friend and swim. Now I have a electronic music project! I'm so excited for that.

I live with my mother, and i have to many friend. Also i have a very cool girlfriend .

I want to know you, partners!

see you soon!